New Neighbors

Packing, moving, and unpacking from a home of 35 years left little time or energy for photography or posting images. As I get ready for a road trip, I figured I’d better work on these rusty skills. Who better to practice on then the new neighbors.

House finch

One of things I’m most enjoying are the visitors to the feeders I’ve put near the kitchen window. Now work in the kitchen is accompanied by flutters nearby, and I can keep my camera handy if someone is willing to pose.


We’ve also been exploring some of the nearby forest preserves and parks. Most of which we’ve been to before, but now we can visit more often. This morning’s fog called out for a hike around Danada Forest Preserve.

Geese on Rice Lake

Great Egret

The egret was kind enough to take flight and present more photo opportunities as it flew over the early fall colors from the sumac, maples and goldenrods.

Some of these new neighbors will be staying through the fall and winter, but others will be heading south.

Monarch and bees

Along with the new neighbors are old companions who are also willing to explore and help me remember how to use my camera.