Birds at the Beach

Yesterday, I heard and then saw three dozen sandhill cranes circling overhead. Usually, I don’t see them migrating north until the middle of the month. — Hope of spring and seeing some more migrants moving through. Until then, I’ll dream of shorebirds on the beach. Let’s start with a brown pelican sliding over the waves in the glow before the sun rises.


As the soft, golden light begins, a great blue heron fishes in the surf.


The golden light comes and the sea gulls start flying and feeding.


If you’re a fish, you don’t want to see any of these eyes, but those of the osprey might be the last you want to see—or do see.


Back on the ground and looking for food in the sand is the 1.8 ounce sanderling.


We’ll end with the silhouette of the long, lower bill of the black skimmer.
