Fall Fungus

Autumn colors are arriving in northern Illinois. But hiking with a dog gets me looking at the ground a bit more, and I found some color in the decaying wood.


Overnight, very
Whitely, discreetly,
Very quietly

Our toes, our noses
Take hold on the loam,
Acquire the air.

Nobody sees us,
Stops us, betrays us;
The small grains make room.

. . . .

From Sylvia Plath, Mushrooms

This scene in Illinois Canyon seemed to show the transition from summer to fall occurring right there.

Illinois Canyon, Starved Rock State Park

Illinois Canyon, Starved Rock State Park

Soft fists insist on
Heaving the needles,
The leafy bedding,

. . . .

Looking up, the colors were definitely showing their autumn flair.

Illinois canyon tall trees-.jpg

The perspective from a mushroom’s view?

Illinois canyon falls-0182.jpg

Even the paving.
Our hammers, our rams,
Earless and eyeless,

Perfectly voiceless,
Widen the crannies,
Shoulder through holes. We

. . . .

Illinois canyon mushroom-0188.jpg

Diet on water,
On crumbs of shadow,
Bland-mannered, asking

Little or nothing.
So many of us!
So many of us!

. . . .

Illinois canyon mushroom-0194.jpg

We are shelves, we are
Tables, we are meek,
We are edible,

Nudgers and shovers
In spite of ourselves.
Our kind multiplies:

. . . .

I didn’t try any of these, so don’t blame them. But one lit up tree in the forest inspired me. Some zooming in with the lens on long exposures and tilting the camera led to some fun.

Sweeping up

Sweeping up

Zooming out

Zooming out

Zooming and tilting

Zooming and tilting

Walk with Renoir

Walk with Renoir

We shall by morning
Inherit the earth.
Our foot's in the door.

Sylvia Plath, Mushrooms

If you’d like to listen to Plath reading this poem.