Up to go down

Timpanogos Cave National Monument is in the Watsatch Mountains in Utah.

Up in the mountains. You need to hike up over a thousand feet from the valley floor to enter the cave. In this image, you can see the road where you start the hike. 

American Fork Canyon, Utah

American Fork Canyon, Utah

Look up to see other hikers and the cave enterance.

Timpanagos Cave hike and entrance

Timpanagos Cave hike and entrance

Once in the cave, you follow old fault lines which have been carved into caverns and are being filled with formations.

Timpanogos Cave National Monument

Timpanogos Cave National Monument

On tour, the ranger explains the formations, such as bacon stalagtites he lights with his flashlight and the cave's big feature, greenish helictites.

Ranger tour

Ranger tour

The helictites are tiny tubes where water and minerals flow through capillarity attraction through the small, capillaries and result in curled, twisting features.



Outside the cave, there was one outstanding, helictite-like beard.

Timp 3621 beard web.jpg