No, this isn't a review of the Oscar nominated film -- but it is a terrific movie. Just been watching the Olympics and thinking about the trip this week last winter to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks to enjoy snowy activities, so here is a collection of some folks getting out in the snow and ice.
Ice sailing, Northerly Island, Chicago
This fellow was ice sailing over the flats of Northerly Island. You can see the former air traffic control building right behind him when this was Meigs Field and then Soldier Field to the left.
Ice climbing, LaSalle Canyon, Starved Rock State Park
When it's cold enough--which is happening less and less--people get out to climb the ice falls at Starved Rock.
Observation Point, Old Faithful Geyser basin
This is more my speed. Snowshoeing to Observation Point to look down on Old Faithful geyser.
Snow sled line, Yellowstone
If you want some horse power assist, snow sleds are an option.
Or if you want a different source of horse power . . .
Horse drawn sleigh, National Elk Refuge, Wyoming