
Utah is filled with spectacular national parks and monuments, and it has some state park gems. With appropriate marketing, one is named Kodachrome Basin State Park.

Sunset, Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah

Sunset, Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah

How about a quiz? What does this image have to do with the next one?

Morning Glory Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Morning Glory Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Sedimentary pipe

Sedimentary pipe

While geologists aren’t sure how the 67 sedimentary pipes in the park were formed, the primary theory is that they are remnants of ancient springs, like Morning Glory above, that were then filled with sediment and the softer sandstone eroded away. The monoliths are intriguing features throughout the park.

Fins and spires, Kodachrome Basin

Fins and spires, Kodachrome Basin

Moon and Venus, Kodachrome Basin State Park

Moon and Venus, Kodachrome Basin State Park