Weathered feathers

Birds need to eat, raise young, survive regardless of the weather. Fortunately, for a photographer, challenging weather can make engaging images. I love the challenge of wide angle environmental images, but to get an animal portrait, you need a tolerant creature. This Great Blue Heron, who hangs around people fishing on the beach, was cooperative.

Melbourne Beach storm clouds

Melbourne Beach storm clouds

Great Blue Heron dawn

Great Blue Heron dawn

Turkey Vultures have an image problem. Their life cleaning up dead animals adds to the creepy view. Featherless heads and legs to get into the carrion enhance the feel. A telephoto lens helps get a closer view.

Turkey Vulture, Canaveral National Seashore

Turkey Vulture, Canaveral National Seashore

Crossing the talons is a cute gesture, but note the missing middle toe and wonder what happened to this survivor.

20150131_Canaveral 118 vulture toes web.jpg

But vultures should have their day in the sun, or in this case, in a rainbow.

Somewhere under the rainbow

Somewhere under the rainbow