Had a little bit of time on our last morning in Colorado, so headed over to a local parks and rec area nearby called Lake Estes trail. A disk golf course meandered on one side and fly fishers filled the water on the other. There were also fisher fliers.
Another adorable family played in the water.
Canada Geese
There was some golden singing in the bushes.
Yellow Warbler
As well as birds seen many times before, I got several to add to my life list, including this one out in the water.
And another bobbed in the creek.
Northern Waterthrush
My most enjoyable encounters were with a common, gregarious show off. While standing looking at some other birds, a magpie landed right next to me on a dead branch. It had a big red berry in its beak. We chatted, and I told it that I had a long lens on and it was way too close for a portrait. It then flew into a nearby bush and to its nest to feed its young. I was able to get a shot of one a little farther away posing with a mountain background in full coat and tails.
Black-billed Magpie
My favorite wildlife encounter of the trip happened as I walked back to the car. I spotted an elk laying under some trees just off the trail. As I looked longer, I saw three elk cows relaxing on the ground. Looking closer still, I noticed magpies were pecking and cleaning the elk’s hooves.
This was a show to sit and enjoy for a while. The elk’s coat was blotchy, losing its long winter fur, and the magpies were jumping up to its haunches and pulling out the long fur. The elk seemed very content to have this team grooming her. Then one of bird really focused on some fur that wasn’t coming off. It dug its beak in and pulled and pulled. The elk had enough, swung her head back, and the magpie flew off. The bird returned, and seemed to apologize. The show was over. Time to get to the car, and head to airport to take wing.